McVinnie Aviation offers very competitive rates on a full/half-day basis. A day is defined as 9-hours including lunch. Flight and ground instruction in Albuquerque may also available at an hourly rate.
Reimbursable Expenses include:
Lodging for each day the training terminates at other than Albuquerque, NM. Transportation to/from the training location including; commercial airfare (business or comfort class), Uber/Lyft or rental vehicle and fuel, ground transportation between the hotel and the airport. Customer provided transportation may be used if available. Personal automobile use is billed at 0.85 cents per mile.
Commercial travel fee: $450 per day
My loving wife likes to travel. When she accompanies me there are no additional expenses for the customer.
Aircraft Specific Insurance Accepted Training:
Initial Qualification Program (5-Days):
Additional pilot fees negotiable - Call.
This course is designed for current pilots new to the PA-46 aircraft. It's a four to five-day program and includes 3 - 4 hours of classroom work and 1 or 2 flight periods per day. Pilots with previous experience may complete the course sooner.
Customers should expect to perform to Private Pilot and Instrument PTS standards. A Pro-Pilot card is available for pilots performing to ATP Standards at no additional charge.
The schedule also incorporates allowances for VFR-only pilots. Additional training days due to weather, airworthiness or additional insurance requirements are billed at a daily rate ($950).
Recurrent Training Program:
PA-46 Training (2 days) (Piston & Turbine).
Additional pilot fees negotiable - Call.
Annual insurance refresher training typically takes two full days. Training in Albuquerque can be completed in a day and a half provided we start early on the first day and if the customer completes the workbook assignments.
Additional training days due to weather, airworthiness or additional insurance requirements are billed at a daily rate ($950).
Customers should expect to perform to Private Pilot and Instrument PTS standards. A Pro-Pilot card is available for pilots performing to ATP Standards at no additional charge.
Initial Instrument Training:
This training typically exceeds 5-days. Several pre-conditions apply.